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Established 1965

2025 we will be celebrating our 60th Birthday

Look out for more info in due course.

Shropshire ASA County Champs 2025

We have recently received this information from Swim England about the use of Inhalers by swimmers/athletes, they have noticed an increase in the use of inhalers by swimmers and have asked that we pass on the following information.


Under the 2019 WADA Prohibited List, inhaled salbutamol (the active ingredient of Ventolin) is only prohibited when more than 800 micrograms (mcg) is inhaled over a 12-hour period. Typically, such inhalers release either 100 mcg or 200 mcg of salbutamol per puff.

If an athlete is frequently requiring the use of a salbutamol inhaler at doses close to the permitted threshold described above, it is advisable for the athlete to consult with their doctor to assess whether the most effective preventer therapies are included within their asthma treatment.


Global DRO is a useful tool used by athletes and doctors for checking the prohibited status of medications prescribed or bought in the UK -

Please also be aware that annual changes to the Prohibited List come into effect every year on the 1st January.


The British Swimming website offers further information on the use of inhalers, both preventer and reliever types. It also provides information on the anti-doping rules and to whom these apply.


The web links to further information pages are:…/athlet…/asthma-and-doping-control/…/sw…/anti-doping/anti-doping-rules/


All medical conditions should be declared at time of enrolment at club and it is the parent / carers responsibility  to pass on the relevant information to the coaches at training and competitions. It is the clubs responsibility to pass this information onto the event organisers if they feel appropriate and further measures need to be applied.

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Shropshire Amateur Swimming Association

Shropshire Amateur Swimming Association

Everything you need to know about Competitive Swimming, Synchro and Waterpolo in Shropshire can be found here.

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