Shropshire ASA Welfare
County Welfare Officer is Jean Childs.
In the first instance any Child Safeguarding /Welfare issues should be addressed by your Club Welfare Officer.
This is the first route for most swimmers, parents, carers and members.
If this is not appropriate or you feel uncomfortable talking to members of your club please contact Jean Childs as County Welfare Officer, she will advise on who to contact for support and the process to follow.
All Shropshire Clubs adhere to Wavepower, this is Swim England guidance for Safeguarding and is designed to keep all swimmers safe and address any concerns no matter how small.
​Qualities of a great sports coach
​Understanding the Sport
1. In-depth understanding of the sport from the fundamental skills (Learn to Swim) to advanced tactics and strategy (Performance swimming).
2. Know the progressive nature of training adaptation, know the rules well, and provide a simple, structured environment for swimmer to succeed.
​Eagerness to learn
1. Continues to learn and develop new training techniques.
2. Staying up-to-date and informed of new research and training..
3. Attending CPDs in a range of subjects such as sport psychology, nutrition and exercise physiology along with improving communication skills.
Sharing knowledge
1. Has the confidence to share and seek others coaches’ or expert’s views.
2. The more the swimmer understands what they are doing and why they are doing it the better they will train and practise.
​Motivational skills
1. Has a positive attitude and enthusiasm for the sport and the swimmers.
2. Stresses performance goals, not outcome goals.
3. Makes training and competing fun.
​Knowing the athlete
1. Is aware of individual differences in swimmers.
2. Understand how they learn and how to motivate them individually.
3. Paying attention to your swimmer’s emotions, strengths and weaknesses both physically and emotionally.
1. Communicates well and exudes credibility, competence, respect and authority.
2. Explain ideas clearly.
3. Setting defined goals, giving direct feedback and reinforcing the key messages.
4. Acknowledging success.
​Listening skills
1. Listen effectively.
2. Be compassionate and welcome a swimmer’s comments, questions and input without being dismissive.
3. Actively seek out information from the swimmer, and work in an environment where swimmers are encouraged to present ideas and thoughts.
4. Swimmers must not be afraid to question and challenge ideas and processes.
1. Swimmers need to adhere to a set of rules when training and competing.
2. There must be trust between swimmer and coach.
3. States a code of conduct up front and adheres to it.
​Leading by example
1. Leads by example. You should adhere to the same rules you expect of athletes.
2. Show respect to receive respect and for swimmers to listen a coach should also listen to swimmers.
​Commitment and passion
1. Have passion and commitment to the sport.
2. Look out for the best interest of the individual swimmer.
If you are concerned or worried that any behaviour is not in accordance with the Rules, Governance and Constitution of your club, Swim England Code of Ethics and accompanying Codes of Conduct, the Swim England Rules and Regulations or Wavepower the Swim England Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures remember you have access to the following routes of advice and support:
For all Child Safeguarding concerns you can receive advice and support from:
Jean Childs County Welfare Officer
Jobeth Hamilton Regional Designated Safeguarding Lead. 07936 797919
For information on how to raise a concern click here
Kevin Suckling, Head of Safeguarding and Welfare
Joanne Garey, National Safeguarding Officer
James Diamond, Safeguarding Case Manager
Jenni Dearman, National Child Safeguarding Manager
Email: safeguarding@swimming.org
Tel: 01509 640 700 (Option 1 for Swim England and then Option 3 for Safeguarding)

When you believe a child has been harmed or may be at immediate risk of harm and
you are unable to contact the Club Welfare Officer or Swim England Child Safeguarding
Team then immediate contact should be made with police, Children’s Social Care,
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), NSPCC Child Protection Helpline or other
agencies as appropriate. Take the name and contact details of the person you
have spoken to and the incident/referral reference number (if applicable) so you
have a record and report this to the Club Welfare Officer and Swim England Child
Safeguarding Team as soon as possible e.g. next working day.
Parents and guardians of the child should be advised of the actions taken only if they are not implicated/involved in the concern.